В этом разделе мной публикуются записи на профессиональную и бизнес-тематику, но есть также и просто заметки из жизни. Часть из них на английском языке для более широкой аудитории.
P.S. Записи отражают сугубо моё личное мнение, не претендующее на истину.
In English / Netlify HTTP 5xx error reports from search engines
I have a couple of sites hosted on Netlify, and during last few months I started getting HTTP 5xx error reports (mainly 502 Bad Gateway) and…
In English / React HTML mismatch when using redux-persist and SSR
If you use redux-persist library in your project, and you have server rendering (SSR or SSG), you may face issues with HTML generated on…
In English / Why you should not use Gatsby Link by default
Many people, including me, initially choose Gatsby, because it helps to create static websites using React quite easily. I know that there…
In English / ":nth-child" is potentially unsafe when doing SSR
After some changes in the project I'm working on I noticed error in the console: The pseudo class ":nth-child" is potentially unsafe when…
In English / What developers need to know when working with web designers
Any serious project involves a dedicated designer role — a person who will create beautiful, modern design mockups for the product. Designer…
In English / Lint-staged with Prettier proper configuring
One of the most common use cases for lint-staged is formatting files using Prettier. Documentation of lint-staged is full of references to…
Выгодно ли платить картой МИР при поездках в Белоруссию
Мне иногда приходится ездить в Белоруссию. До недавнего времени было очень удобно расплачиваться картой МИР в российских рублях в Белоруссии…
In English / Migrating from Yarn v1 to v4 on Node.js v20
The recommended (and seems to be the only) way of installing modern release of Yarn accordingly to the docs is using Corepack. This seems to…
In English / Top-level await statements in TypeScript
I have a local TypeScript project, and there is a script in this project, that performs async tasks, where I naturally want to use top-level…
In English / Excluding traffic from Netlify deployment bot in Google Analytics
Currently I'm using Netlify for hosting this website, and it's pretty awesome. Recently I did a bunch of small updates to my site (mainly…
In English / Can I send HTTP GET request with body from browser?
TLDR; No. Despite the fact that HTTP/1.1 spec seems to not restrict GET requests with body any longer accordingly to this thread, this seems…
In English / How to transfer files between computers using IPFS
When it comes to transferring files between computers usually there are many options. One relatively new and modern option is to use IPFS…
In English / Automated UI Testing at Dock
At Dock we rely heavily on automated UI testing as a primary way of ensuring quality and preventing regressions in our web apps and…
In English / Git branches are not branches?
I personally love Git. It is much better than anything else I've used before. However there is one feature I don't like. I'm talking about…